Monday, April 27, 2015

What makes a Monday even worse?

Ah Mondays in the pharmacy.  We have a drug treatment physician close to us which means all kinds of Rxs with many steps. Run this insurance and this discount card for this one, a different coupon for this one, can you just fill fifty dollars worth, and my personal favorite-cIIs on the same blank as non cIIs. Most of the time these are some of our most patient customers and my heart really goes out to most of them, it's just draining. We also had someone scoff at our ten minute wait time front of my boss. She was not happy with the dude...said something to the effect of if you want it done right you'll give us ten minutes. Tee hee! She can get away with on the other hand, no way. I'm the little cute one that you can yell at to get your way. We were slow in the afternoon which was nice.

So, to answer my blog title question, I had a dentist appointment after my shift was done to get a filling redone. I'm not a fan of the dentist. Mine is nice and I love my hygienist but cavities? Ugh. I had a really bad filling experience once. My other downfall is that I have a really small mouth. This redo was on the way back of my mouth so there wasn't enough room to get everything in as far as instruments goes. Enter lots of pulling and stretching and tension on my jaw/cheeks. The drilling and filling part was just fine. Didn't feel a thing (from my jaw all the way to my eye, palate and soft palate also) but the stretching was super uncomfortable. I've just felt yucky ever since. Probably need some ibuprofen and a good night's sleep.

On the new clothes front, tomorrow is StitchFix day! At least I hope. Package made it to St.Paul today and also left St. Paul this evening. Maybe it'll be out tomorrow? I guess I won't be surprised if I don't have it. GoldenTote is no where closer than it was on Saturday? UPS site still says it's processing for pickup. Tons of folks who ordered the same day as I did were doing reveals today. Super frustrating. Although it was nice to see some of the surprise items. I saw a lot of stuff that I liked but it seemed like folks weren't happy. I also am wondering if I'm picking the right sizes. Some of the reveals have smaller sizes than I'm doing but look the same size as me.

4 days in a row left!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Patience is not my best virtue

I had the pleasure of working on this absolutely beautiful weekend. Was fairly boring with occasional glimpses of irrationality and stupidity. Also, many genuine moments where I helped people and felt quite a bit of job satisfaction. The week should be interesting with a coworker off but I'm sure it'll be fine. 

Since I worked the weekend, I had a day off during the week. Since I was home, I had nothing better to do then obsess about my StitchFix and GoldenTote orders. My StitchFix is due to be delivered on Tuesday and I was attempting to cheat by sneaking a peek at my invoice. Do you think I could figure it out? Nope. So GoldenTote obsessing was next. I placed my order on tote day (April 13) and my order just seemed to be stuck in "pending " mode. I was just getting frustrated sitting at home so I thought maybe some regular good old fashioned shopping. As I headed towards the door, Mylo gave me one of his patented black lab puppy dog looks. In that moment, I decided that instead of shopping, I'd go for a run with him. Running over shopping? I have no idea where that came from! I did have a good run though. :) Oh, and just in case you were wondering, my GoldenTote has now shipped. Granted, it's shipping UPS and I don't even think it's been picked up yet but at least it's one step closer! The other good news is that the next GoldenTote is a week away. :)

My other excitement is that it's almost May...which means a new Pop sugar box AND the CFDA special edition box that I splurged on!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Inventory woes

Monday was absolutely insane at the pharmacy. To make matters even better our inventory didn't update correctly. Called our help desk right away, first person thought they fixed it...they didn't. Second phone call resulted in a awful tech person who managed to make things worse. Third person said he fixed it. The one item I knew was wonky I checked and it looked fine...until today. Today's order was huge and expensive. I also seemed to be missing a bunch of items. No idea what happened-some things were just fine, others were completely wrong. Meant I had a long process figuring out what I needed and what I didn' was a crapshoot. I did my best, that's all I can do.

On the upside, one of my bosses who isn't in town much is in the store this week. Gave me crap about not recognizing me with the weight I've lost. Another coworker pointed out the down pants looked huge today. I've had them forever...nice wide leg wool gap dress pants with a little belt (that I cinched to the edge of its life).  I know it shouldn't be something I shouldn't complain about but I liked those pants...I have 3 pairs...that will now be taken out of the rotation. :( Also stopped at gordman's today to try on some jeans that I ordered online and guessed on the size. Was pretty happy to button the 9s. The jeans I ordered were in inch weight size but I definitely feel better about the size I picked. 

One of my coworker's wives does StitchFix and I've talked to him about it in the past. Today he related her latest included a super short dress and a shirt that was a little less see through than plastic (his actual words). I said something about just putting a cami under the thin shirt...didn't mention the wonder that are leggings. If she can't figure that out herself especially with the styling cards, eegads!

My Pop Sugar box is apparently walking from California. Shipped on the 15th, estimated to be delivered on the 23rd! Took a day to get from St. Paul to Maple Grove. Really thinking it should have worked out a bit more to get to me a bit quicker! :) At least I didn't pay for shipping!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

It's been forever since I have sat down and put my thoughts into the vastness that is the internet community. However, I'm going to try and get back at it because it was both cathartic and motivating. I'm still at the same job, working my heart out and getting little back. Hubby's job title will be changing which should bring a new, interesting wrinkle to our lives. His income will decrease in this weird rotation thing. I think he's more worried about things financially than I am. I figure we lived off of my income alone while he was finishing up with school. Time will tell.

My other purpose for writing again is twofold. I have started working out routinely and counting calories...a very boring way to lose weight but the right way to do it. The last time I blogged, it really helped to keep me motivated to keep on track. My other big motivation is a revamping of my wardrobe. Lately I have realized that I dress like a forty year old...and not a very stylish one at that. (I don't have anything against forty year olds, in fact I'm closer to it than I'd like to admit) So, decided to do something about it. I've bought my first Golden Tote (and my second) as well as signed up for StitchFix. My goal is for every quality piece that I love that goes into my closet, two outdated frumpy things will come out.

So, there it is... I'm sure I will also have plenty of pharmacy ugliness to relate as well. There's always plenty of that to go around!